Friday, January 2, 2009

Advantage of Articles Submission in SEO

Hello friends. Today, I am writing about “Advantage of Articles Submission in SEO”. I hope it will be beneficial to your SEO strategy. Article submission is an ethical technique for getting bigger traffic to your website. It is also a great technique to getting one-way links back to your website. On the web there are several article submission directories which accept articles for a range of categories. It is very important to submit your articles in those particular categories that directly relates to the content of your website. By submitting your quality articles in proper relevant category you can provide maximum results. It is a very effective marketing technique to target visitors to your website. It is also very important to submit your articles in various article directories manually. Avoid any kinds of software to submit your articles.

Benefits of article submission for the SEO (search engine optimization) work of your website

  • Effective technique of getting one-way links
  • Best substitute to link exchange technique & directory submission
  • Helps in acquiring incoming links and ultimately getting higher ranking in major search engines
  • Greater life span of incoming links
  • Direct traffic to your website
  • Helps in drawing new and unique visitors to your website

So, you should write and submit quality articles in proper relevant category. By submitting quality articles you can attract readers to your articles and ultimately get abundance of traffic to your website which helps you getting higher rankings in various search engines like google, msn, yahoo, AltaVista, etc. Before writing articles you should well study of guidelines of article directory. You should provide valuable, quality and unique content in your article. You should not use self promotional links in your article body. Also you should avoid excessive use of keywords or key phrases. I think this article will help you in your article submission endeavor to get higher rankings of your website.